Legal Disclaimer

Sustainable life, this website, this ministry, the leadership or members of this organization associate freely and provide no guarantees, nor is any duty or burden imposed upon any or all of the above by any or all of the above.
Dispute resolution: any disputes will be handled by a member of leadership. The use of this website or participation in any aspect of this ministry means that you accept the jurisdiction of our Father who art in Heaven. If you are unhappy with the decision made by a member of leadership, your exclusive path for resolution is with Him.
Alternative dispute resolution: if you desire an alternative method of resolving a dispute, none exist.
Privacy guarantees: by using this website, you’re responsible for maintaining the privacy of your person. Any information shared on this website, with any member of this ministry will no longer be private due to the fact that you have shared it. By using this website or any of its services, you agree to resolve any dispute through our dispute resolution process or directly with the third-party vendor, if the third-party vendor was used.
Updates to this page: by using this website or participating in this ministry, you are responsible for periodically reviewing this page for any changes.
Jurisdiction: this ministry falls under the jurisdiction of Heaven exclusively.
We do not provide legal, medical or tax advice. We do not claim to be experts in any given field.
One should always seek “competent counsel” regarding legal, medical or tax related issues, assuming competent counsel exists.